Summer Schools of the     

(for EMS Joint Mathematical Weekends, please follow the link EMS Joint Mathematical Weekends.)


The European Mathematical Society organises Summer Schools each year. With this activity the EMS wants to encourage young European mathematicians to meet and study together current developments in Mathematics and its applications.

EMS Summer Schools and Conferences in pure and applied mathematics - Second series:

The EMS is happy to announce that its second series of Summer Schools and Conferences in pure and applied Mathematics will be funded as a series of Marie Curie Conferences and Training Course, under EU Contract MSCF-CT-2005-029473.

This means in particular that support for travel and living expenses will be available for a substantial number of participants in three categories of eligible researchers:

  1. Early stage researchers, with up to four years research experience, computed as full time years of research work after completion of the diploma giving access to a Ph.D. programme. These researchers could be of any nationality. Typically, Ph. D. students enter in this category.
  2. Experienced researchers, with up to ten years of research experience. Again, those researchers could be of any nationality.
  3. Experienced researchers with more than ten years of experience, who are nationals of Member States or Associated States and active in research outside these states at the time of the event.
To keep the events inside the European perspective, the organisers will have to insure that at least seventy percent of the participants are nationals of Member States or Associated States, and that no nationality is represented by more than 30 percent of the participants.

To get the definitions right, the Member States are the Members of the European Union, and the Associated States are Bulgaria, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Romania, Switzerland and Turkey.

Researchers interested in participation and/or funding for any of these events should contact directly the organisers mentioned in the list below.

With this series of events, built up after an open call for proposals, the European Mathematical Society has further strengthened its collaboration with the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) of Barcelona, the Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria (SMI) of Firenze, the Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo (Poland), and various groups of mathematicians working in European universities and research centres.

List of the EMS Summer Schools and Conferences 2008

  1. Mathematical and numerical methods for the cardiovascular system
    EMS-SMI Cortona Summer School, (Italy), August 16-31, 2008
    Main speakers : Dominique Chapelle, Piero Colli-Franzone,  Alfio Quarteroni,
  2. Mathematical models in the manufacturing of glass, polymers and textiles
    EMS-CIME summer school, Montecatini, Italy, September 8-19, 2008
    Main speakers: Hilary Ockendon, Peter Howell, John Ockendon, Robert Mattheij, Antonio Fasano, Andro Mikelic, Thierry Clopeau, Axel Klar, Norbert Siedow
  3. Risk theory and related topics
    EMS summer school, Bedlewo, Poland, September 28 - October 8, 2008
    Main speakers: to be announced

Last change: March 6, 2007 Comments to: