Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2002(2002), No. 101, pp. 1-22.
On the properties of infinity-harmonic functions
and an application to capacitary convex rings
Tilak Bhattacharya
We study positive
functions in bounded domains.
We use the theory of viscosity solutions in this work. We prove a
boundary Harnack inequality and a comparison result for such
functions near a flat portion of the boundary where they vanish.
We also study
functions on convex rings.
We show that the gradient satisfies a global maximum principle,
it is nonvanishing outside a set of measure zero and the level sets
are star-shaped.
Submitted August 17, 2002. Published November 28, 2002.
Math Subject Classifications: 35J70, 26A16.
Key Words: Viscosity solutions, boundary Harnack inequality,
infinity-Laplacian, capacitary functions, convex rings
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Tilak Bhattacharya
Mathematics Department
Bishop's University
Lennoxville, Quebec J1M 1Z7, Canada
e-mail: tbhattac@ubishops.ca |
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